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Antique Style Halloween Lanterns
I was pretty happy with my Bloody Rustic Lantern from Spirit Halloween last year ($15), but I wished it wasn’t covered in blood spatter. So this year when I found two different ones online with no blood, I ordered them. One has the same incandescent bulb as the Spirit Halloween one, the other is sound […]
I did some shopping around and found an online Halloween store with great prices, The store is Canadian so my stupid credit card added a FOREIGN TRANSACTION FEE for a few more dollars which I was not happy about, but I saved so much buying from the site, it wasn’t that bad. I can’t […]
ELPH Techniques
Shooting fast moving subjects without motion blur is a challenge. You need to get a fast shutter speed. Since it isn’t possible to set the shutter speed on the Canon ELPH cameras, I needed to figure out how to force a fast speed. I tried a bunch of that shot with flash first but that […]
Cosina 100mm F3.5 Macro
The Cosina 100mm is a pretty decent starter macro lens with good sharpness. You may also find the lens branded as Vivitar or Phoenix. But to get actual 1:1 magnification, it comes with a matched adapter. 1:1 isn’t always necessary, but its certainly good for anything smaller than a butterfly. While using the adapter, you […]
Not So Shiny Chrome
When I heard about Google’s Chrome browser yesterday, I was worried for Mozilla. Google is their biggest source of income and if Chrome became popular, there wouldn’t be much use in continuing that relationship. Now that I have tried it, I don’t think Mozilla has much to worry about at least for a few years. […]
Cats Can Reddit
Today my Cats Can’t Read photo was posted to Reddit by PaperLess. I don’t think it made the front page, but it did do well on the Pics page, making it up to at least number 6 today. Back on February 16, 2008, this shot had 3,676 views and 33 faves which I thought was […]
Hard Drive Troubles
In the last week I have had several hard drive problems. First was my external USB hard drive got corrupted so none of the thousands of photos over the last several months in the folder for my S5 showed up. Luckily it happened while I was copying them off to my ReadyNAS NV so more […]
Credit Cards Suck
I tried very hard to get one of my credit cards canceled. Finally after lowering my rate and agreeing to remove one of the two late charges on my card, I agreed to stay. Several days before, I had talked to someone else who agreed to remove the second late charge once I got my […]
KDE 4 Oxygen Wallpaper Contest
With the upcoming release of KDE 4.0 (a Linux desktop environment), four of my photo will be among the fifteen included wallpapers users around the world get to choose from. They were chosen from over 2000 entries. The announcement is here or here. You can view all my entries here. You can download and use […]
Halloween Wallpapers
Halloween is almost here. Time to decorate your computer’s desktop with some Halloween themed wallpapers. I have a number of photos that you can use. I created a Halloween Wallpapers set to hold some of ones that would make the best desktop wallpaper. Here are a few examples: Happy Halloween!!!