Rob Cockerham decided to see what would happen if he tore up a new credit card application, taped it back together, filled it out, changed his address, entered a cell phone number, and sent it back. Assuming you accidentally tore your application into 16 pieces, he has good news for you. Chase will happily send you a card. But assuming you tear up applications you don’t want and throw them away, this is good news for identity thieves.
Even better news is that Chase says they did the right thing in an interview with MSNBC. It seems there is nothing suspicious about a taped up application using a different address. Admittedly the address was his parents house which was a former address of his, but isn’t that worse? If you move and your mail isn’t forwarded, the new occupant of your former residence will now have your credit card application (not torn up) and your former address. Sounds bad to me.
I have been the victim of credit card fraud (I don’t consider mine identify theft), thankfully it was a small charge. But because it was small (less than $10) it was not caught by the credit card company. I only noticed it because of the really odd company name on my credit card statement.
My brother recently got it a lot worse. Someone got his number and started charging hundreds of dollars worth on the other side of the country. Luckily in this case, the company called to ask if they were legit charges. They have even called a few other times on bigger than usual purchases he actually did make.
Clearly they are working to combat credit card fraud, but it appears they are not doing enough to prevent identity theft in the first place.
Keep checking the possession of your credit cards in regular intervals.
While handling your credit card to any dealer for a payment, make sure to take back the card promptly after use.
Keep your credit card in a safe place whenever you are travelling or carrying them with you.